了解节能和可持续设计, construction and remodeling so you can create your own green dream home.
查看所有文章NAHB支持自愿的可持续发展, 高性能的新住宅建设和改造,并为其成员提供资源和工具,以建立可持续的家庭和社区.
具体地说, NAHB积极提高对可行的认识, 可信的, market-driven and voluntary green building initiatives at the federal level in both the legislative and regulatory arenas. It also assists state and local home building associations with advocacy efforts upon request.
在所有这些努力中, NAHB emphasizes that sustainable and high performance building must be voluntary. 特别是, NAHB supports the recognition and use of the cost-effective, consensus-based ICC 700 2020 National Green Building Standard (NGBS). NGBS是由政府开发的, 具有广泛专业知识的环境和行业专家,是唯一被美国国家标准协会(ANSI)批准为美国国家标准的住宅绿色建筑评级体系.
Green buildings incorporate strategies in design and construction that improve energy, 水和资源效率, 室内环境质量, and minimize environmental impacts on the site; and/or are certified by a third party to the National Green Building Standard, 住宅LEED, or any other green rating system or high performance standard.
It is a practical response to a wide range of issues affecting all consumers: rising energy costs, 改善空气质量的需要, 确保水的清洁, minimize water usage and reduce overall impacts on the environment.
Most home builders already incorporate green building elements into their practices.
Sustainability and high performance building are important to the home building industry, 消费者和国家,因为它通过节省公用事业,提高耐用性和改善室内生活环境来降低总拥有成本. 它还鼓励环境意识和管理以及更有效地利用日益稀少的资源,并帮助为子孙后代保护这些资源.
自愿的, 上述绿色项目为建筑商和消费者提供了建造可持续住宅所需的灵活性, 高性能, 负担得起的, cost-effective and appropriate to the home’s geographic location.
高性能建筑还可以帮助解决自然灾害及其对整个住房存量的影响,同时减少与自然灾害相关的成本. 弹性建筑技术建造出了建筑物, landscapes and communities designed to better withstand disasters and long-term shifts resulting from climate change.
弹性住宅设计策略的好处包括将自然灾害(如飓风)的风险降至最低, 洪水, 地震, 火灾和龙卷风). 有证据表明 homes and 多户家庭的 buildings constructed to modern building codes — defined as any edition of the 国际住宅代码® or 国际建筑规范® — experience limited to no structural damage in hurricanes, 地震, 洪水 and blizzards. Most damage occurs to roofing, siding and interior contents
然而, 业主和租户通常不愿意支付更高的建设成本,这些成本往往是为了建造绿色建筑或增加房屋的弹性,除非它反映在较低的保险费率上, 更优惠的按揭条款, 弹性建筑的税收抵免, 或者其他激励措施.
Green Construction and Its Role in Reducing Carbon Emissions
约 温室气体排放量的13% 直接来自建筑物,因为供暖, 冷却和烹饪需要, so even small 改进 can have a notable environmental impact. Here are a few green construction options to reduce the energy usage and carbon footprint in both new and existing homes:
Incorporating energy-saving actions in everyday routines, 例如,在不使用设备时拔掉插头,以避免耗电,并调整恒温器以匹配时间表,并利用家中的自然热量, 也能对环境产生影响吗.
根据最新的 edition of NAHB's What Home Buyers Really Want, 消费者对绿色建筑实践的兴趣也延伸到智能家居技术,可以减少家庭对环境的影响, 减少能源消耗,改善室内空气质量. 这些技术包括可编程恒温器, 多区域暖通空调系统和能源管理系统.
根据最新的 绿色智能市场简介 -与道奇数据合作生产 & 分析——几乎所有(96%)的房屋建筑商和改造商都通过以下至少一种一般方法积极改善房屋建筑性能:能源, 水和材料资源效率, 更健康的室内生活环境, 弹性, 绿色地盘/地段发展, and providing operation and maintenance manuals for green features.
该报告还指出,自2019年以来,建筑行业的建筑商和改造商对材料和资源管理实践的使用有所增加. The two most predominant practices are minimized construction waste and use of prefabricated components. 预制组件的例子包括面板, 桁架, structural insulated panels (SIPs) and modular construction.
NAHB provides a number of resources designed to help home builders and remodelers explore green construction options, 包括绿色项目的案例研究, 绿色建筑教育课程, comparative overviews of different green building standards, how to discuss green construction options with consumers, 和更多的.